Climate Investor One (CI1) is a blended finance facility delivering renewable energy infrastructure projects in emerging markets with a technological focus on onshore and near-shore wind, solar PV and run-of-river hydropower. CI1 has USD 920 million under management, and reached final close in 2019.
CI1 employs a mix of public and private-sector funding as well as commitments from development finance institutions (DFIs) whilst making use of an export credit agency (ECA) guarantee, all in mutually beneficial and complementary ways.
Public-sector donors fund the development stage of the projects, which typically cannot be financed by private-sector investors. Donors also play a key role in mobilizing private-sector capital during the construction stage of the project, where risks are better understood and financial returns can be achieved. CIO donors include the European Union (EU), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), USAID via PowerAfrica, the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and the Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS) within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
Clean power is central to the impact of the Renewable Energy focused Climate Investor One. The current clean power impact of Climate Investor One is created by seven operational projects, while the lifetime forecast considers all the assets over the 20 year lifetime of the fund.
A Revival of Resources and Livelihood in Janenahalli Village, India
Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in the Mekong Delta
From Thirst to Prosperity: Musa's Story of Change and Community Impact with the Windfarm Project
Building Toilets to Close the Gender Education Gap
Empowering Rural Youth in South Africa with Renewable Energy Skills and Entrepreneurship
Empowering Villages with Sustainable Solutions
Nurturing the Next Generation of Renewable Energy Talent
Beyond Scholarships: How A Holistic Approach to Education Sponsorship is Shaping the Future for Girls Like Mary
Modern Farming Initiatives and Livelihood Restoration: A Case Study on Samuel's Journey to Financial Independence
Exploring the Unexpected Benefits of the Tra Vinh Wind Farm
Providing Solar Lighting on Roads in the Mekong Delta
Enhancing Community Spaces: How TWPC Wind Farm Supports Education in Tra Vinh Province
Livelihood Skills for Success
How the Ampyr Community Programme Helped Rajesh Solve the Problems on his Farm
Improving the Lives of School Children in Ramajogihalli Village
How the Wind Farms are Delivering Water to Local Communities
Linking Clean Power and Gender Equality to Enhance Livelihoods
CNRGA is a 110 MW platform of commercial and industrial rooftop solar projects across Vietnam and Indonesia.
Tra Vinh Wind Power Company (TWPC) is a 48 MW nearshore wind project in Vietnam. It is located in close proximity to its sister plant, Ecotech.
Ecotech is a 78 MW nearshore wind project in Vietnam. It is located in close proximity to its sister plant, TWPC.
Ampyr is a platform of renewable projects across India. CI1 is currently invested in the 38 MW Balenahalli wind project.
Africa Hydro Holdings (AHH) is a run-of-river hydro platform with four operational projects in Uganda. CI1 is currently invested in the 42 MW Achwa I project.
Cleantech is a 600 MW platform of commercial and industrial rooftop solar projects across Asia.