Xylo Group

E&S categorisation:
Date of initial investment:

The Red Sea Power project is still under construction, so it is not generating direct impact yet.

The ex-ante and ex-post impacts of this investment will be posted here once available.


Avoided GHG emissions (tCO2eq/yr)
Renewable power production (GWh/yr)
Installed renewable energy capacity (MW/yr)


Number of direct and indirect jobs supported
Equivalent Number of People Served

The ex-ante and ex-post impacts of this investment will be posted here once available.

The Red Sea Power project is still under construction, so it is not generating direct impact yet.


Avoided GHG emissions (tCO2eq)
Total renewable power production (GWh)
Installed renewable energy capacity (MW)


Number of direct and indirect jobs supported
Equivalent Number of People Served

The ex-ante and ex-post impacts of this investment will be posted here once available.


Avoided GHG emissions (tCO2eq/yr)
Renewable power production (GWh/yr)
Installed renewable energy capacity (MW/yr)


Number of direct & indirect jobs supported
Equivalent Number of People Served

Stories from our communities

The following featured stories are from the community development programme of this project.

Building Futures: Education Facilities for Bukatube Seed School​

Building Futures: Education Facilities for Bukatube Seed School​

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