Photo: Lihn's thriving restaurant business.
In addition to the intended impacts of the projects, sometimes there can be many different and unexpected ways in which a project can benefit the area where it is constructed.
Lihn, a 25-year-old dynamic entrepreneur from Tra Vinh Province Vietnam, has found her niche in the food and beverage industry, utilizing the tourism sparked by the TWPC wind farm to support and expand her restaurant business.
Before the wind farm was erected, Lihn ran a small kiosk where she sold coffee, drinks, and grilled food. When we visited the project in 2022, we noticed that her modest stand has transformed into a full-scale restaurant, staffed by a team of twelve diligent workers hailing from different parts of the province.
The wind farm, an unexpected magnet for tourists, has bolstered Lihn's customer base and given her business a significant uplift. "The business is operating well, and we have quite a lot of customers; therefore, our staff get paid higher compared to the region," she proudly shares.
Promisingly, the growth of her business has been largely self-sustaining. With the steady stream of revenue generated by the restaurant, Lihn has been able to fund an ongoing renovation project, upgrading and expanding her premises without the need for external loans. "About a year ago, it was only a small kiosk/stand but now, it has expanded into a self-funding business," she elaborates.
Future plans include diversifying her offerings by adding a corner for live seafood, attracting more customers and enhancing their dining experience. More than a place of business, Lihn's establishment also provides accommodation for some of her staff. She has developed on-site living quarters, ensuring the comfort and well-being of her employees.
In short, the wind farm has not only improved access to Clean Power in Vietnam, but has also brought a windfall of opportunities for local residents like Lihn. Her story is a testament to how renewable energy projects can indirectly as well as directly benefit local communities, sparking economic growth.