Climate Investor Two

Climate Investor Two (CI2) is CFM’s second blended finance facility, delivering water, sanitation, and oceans infrastructure projects in emerging markets. Targeting a Final Close of USD 1 billion, CI2 reached Second Close in December 2022 with USD 855 million in commitments.

CI2 employs a mix of public and private-sector funding as well as commitments from development finance institutions (DFIs), all in mutually beneficial and complementary ways.

Public-sector donors fund the development stage of the projects, which typically cannot be financed by private-sector investors. Donors also play a key role in mobilizing private-sector capital during the construction stage of the project, where risks are better understood and financial returns can be achieved.

Building on the comprehensive support of the Government of the Netherlands, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development, commercial investors (KLP, IMAS Foundation, Sanlam, Aegon), Dutch public sector bank BNG Bank, a development finance institution (FMO), and Donors (European Commission and Nordic Development Fund), have committed to being the cornerstone support for CI2.

Key numbers

Clean power is central to the impact of the Renewable Energy focused Climate Investor One. The current clean power impact of Climate Investor One is created by seven operational projects, while the lifetime forecast considers all the assets over the 20 year lifetime of the fund.


Avoided GhG emissions (tCO2eq/yr)
Installed clean energy capacity (MW/yr)
Renewable power production (GWh/yr)


Number of direct and indirect jobs supported
Equivalent Number of People Served


Avoided GHG emissions (tCO2eq)
Total renewable power production (GWh)
Installed renewable energy capacity (MW)


Numberof direct and indirect jobs supported
Equivalent Number of People Served

Catalytic effect

Equity and senior debt leveraged (USD m)


Avoided GhG emissions (tCO2eq/yr)
Renewable power production (GWh/yr)
Installed clean energy capacity (MW/yr)


Numberof direct and indirect jobs supported
Equivalent Number of People Served

Catalytic effect

Equity and senior debt leveraged (USD)

Stories from our communities

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Building Futures: Education Facilities for Bukatube Seed School​

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Creating a healthy learning environment in Rural Vietnam

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Empowering Rural Youth in South Africa with Renewable Energy Skills and Entrepreneurship

Empowering Rural Youth in South Africa with Renewable Energy Skills and Entrepreneurship

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